Skokka, the network of erotic classified ads, keeps growing
- Written by FinestPR
Helping people get in touch with each other, so nobody is left alone, is one of the goals that humanity has always strived towards. And said goal has grown much more with the technological advances of the last couple of years.
Due to their nature, human beings need to have relationships with other people, either in a friendly, sentimental or merely physical way. None of them is to be blamed for.
Skokka was born with the intention of letting people get in touch with other people who are looking for secure and safe sex. It was in 2010. Right off the bat, Skokka tried hard to become a worldwide network of erotic contacts, even though such an important task isn’t achieved overnight.
What is Skokka?
Skokka was born with the purpose of helping people who want to offer erotic services, for free and voluntarily, get in touch with those who are looking for sexual services, discreetly and safely.
With this idea in mind was the website created, which at first only worked in Italy. The creation of an easy and friendly site, both for users who wished to advertise and offer their services, and for people looking to find something particular in a specific place, was what made its popularity grow quickly.
The huge growth of Skokka
The method worked, since Skokka covered a service that made it easy for users to find and get what they needed quickly and easily.
The global expansion, that came by improving the already effective method, started in 2016. Ever since Skokka has become the leading force of erotic classified ads in more than 25 countries of different continents all over the world. And it keeps growing.
Recently there have been new additions to the list of cities in which Skokka is available ( With a starting set of 10 cities that the users can choose among, they can contact someone looking for the same as them. This new opening confirms all previous conceptions regarding what this portal was meant to be, a big success. Another good example of the growth of Skokka is Australia, where the amount of ads and clients has been steadily increasing ever since it was first opened in 2016.
Skokka in Australia
Even though Skokka became popular pretty quickly in Australia, something worth mentioning that also helped it become the best and most known erotic contacts website for Aussie escorts was the fall of gigantic competitors such as Backpage and Cracker, which clearly made a difference.
To understand why these sites were closed by the authorities, and Skokka wasn’t, you just have to look closely at the reason why Skokka was created. That is, to just help people that desire to offer their sexual services in exchange for money in a free and safe way, something that didn’t happen in other websites.
Even though Skokka is just a medium to reach a goal, that is helping users get in touch, it has a team of experts working day and night to make sure that there is no sign of exploitation or underage users within the ads.
New cities in Skokka Australia
In Skokka the ads are sorted by categories and cities, and the website opens new cities according to the demand of its users.
The amazing growth in Australia required for a bigger offer of cities within the erotic classified ads website thus the opening of new ones this 2020.
Why do most users prefer Skokka?
Skokka is the preferred website for most of the advertisers that want to offer sexual services and of those looking to hire them. Why?
Advantages of advertising on Skokka
What a user that decides to offer sexual services on the Internet truly desires is:
- Being able to do so independently, without any intermediary that specifies a working schedule, which clients to accept or which services to offer. In Skokka it is possible to do so, just by posting an ad explaining your services, conditions and a couple of pictures is enough. Furthermore, Skokka does not mediate between the client and the advertiser, it just offers a safe platform to get in touch. Reaching an agreement is only on them.
- Visibility: Posting an ad to Skokka means getting clients fast. The amount of traffic the website receives is immense and the users like to place their bets on the winning team.
- Price: Advertising in Skokka is free. Regardless, it is true that due to the fact that there are thousands of ads inserted on a daily basis in the website the platform offers its clients a paid promotion that makes the ads appear on top of the free ones, making them visible at all times.
- The advertisers have available a 24 hour client support in case that any problem with any of the ads surges. Regardless of the fact that the easiness of posting an ad is one of the strong points of the platform.
Benefits that the clients of sexual services enjoy
The clients that look for sexual services see in Skokka the ideal place for it. The reasons are:
- The huge amount of ads available in the website allow the user to choose between an extensive array of possibilities.
- The easy way of filtering that the website provides so the user can only see those ads it is really interested in is a strong point of Skokka, and the users love it.
- Confidentiality. The users don’t need to go to brothels or to the streets looking for a service, instead they can go straight to the person and arrange a booking with her as if it was a normal date, with the only difference of the economic exchange at the end of it.
- The fact that someone wants to hire a professional for a sexual service doesn’t mean that said person supports human exploitation. Thus one of the reasons behind the popularity of Skokka is, without a doubt, that the clients hiring services from the advertisers know that whoever is working with them is doing so willingly, without any undesired pressure.
Skokka Australia will keep on growing, and soon will be available in more cities within the country. Said growth and expansion will also affect new countries and cities. Most certainly there will be news soon regarding new openings.